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Social media is a powerful tool but not necessarily appropriate for all businesses, neither is it easily managed by some business owners. With so many businesses on social media, it is easier to answer the question…

Which businesses shouldn’t be on Social Media?

  • If you are in healthcare and deal with dread diseases, there is no appropriate post. You may be well meaning and want to share cautions and what to be aware of but this could damage your business rather than promote it.
  • If you deal with issues relating to gross bodily functions, don’t bother. Your posts are unlikely to be shared or commented on, so growing your fan base will be challenging.
  • If your business is considered ‘boring’ or highly technical, please don’t bore us. There are social media apps such as LinkedIn which may be appropriate and will appeal to a more technical audience that can be limited to a ‘group’.
  • If your target market is unlikely to be found on social media, why bother?

Don’t bother if you are likely to make the following mistakes:

  • You set up your page/account but don’t complete it properly and don’t add imagery.
  • You post once or twice and then slack off, just having an account will not benefit your business unless you are willing to put effort into it at least weekly.
  • You don’t have the time or ability to come up with interest posts that would engage with your target market whilst subtly promoting your business.
  • You make personal comments in your company page. This may not reflect the messaging your brand should be demonstrating.
  • You push your business 100% of the time, without adding any value to your followers with posts that educate, interest or engage. They will get bored and move on.

If you think your business should be on social media but you don’t have the time or expertise to set this up and/or run it, please give us a call at Westward Marketing. We are happy to discuss the suitability of this for your business as well as a range of social media packages to help you or your staff with this strategy.