1300 574 044

“It’s just a website isn’t it? Isn’t that all there is?”

Unfortunately not, a bit like buying a car there is maintenance, fuel, insurance, tyres and more to take into account… and pay for. Often not brought to clients attention by web developers either.
Even our most tech savvy clients often need help with some of the terms, what they are needed for and how much you should be paying, hence writing this article.

1) Domain Registration – needed right at the start of the process

Domain registration is the process of registering a domain name (such as westward marketing.com.au), which identifies one or more IP addresses with a name that is easier to remember and use in URLs to identify particular web pages. The person or business that registers the domain name is called the domain name registrant. It is essential to check that a domain name is available to match your business name, before you make the final decision on your business identity. Annual costs normally range from $15 to $20.

2) Website Hosting – needs to be in place before the website goes live

In order to publish a website online, you need a web host. The web host stores all the pages of your website and makes them available to computers connected to the internet. The domain name, such as “westwardmarketing.com.au” is linked to an IP address that points to a specific computer. When somebody enters your domain name into their browsers address field (like Google), the IP address is located and the website is loaded from your web host.
There are large companies such as GoDaddy and Crazy Domains to smaller, more specialised hosting companies. There is a fair bit of criteria to be aware of so be sure to get good trustworthy advice. Monthly charges can range from $5 to $50 per month.

3) Search Engine Optimisation – just prior to going live and ongoing

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the name given to any activity that attempts to improve search engine rankings. In search results (i.e. when you Google something) Google displays links to pages it considers relevant and authoritative (according to its own criteria). Companies who specialise in SEO generally use on-page optimisation, key-phrase analysis and link building.
This is a highly specialised area so should be left to the experts, preferably ones in Australia who have good language skills. Monthly charges can range from $400 to $1000 if Australian companies.

4) Website maintenance – ongoing, once website is live

Website maintenance consists of performing all the tasks necessary to keep a website up to date and in good, working order so that it works and shows up correctly with the latest web browsers and mobile devices. This may include activities such as:
Upgrading website software
Checking website error logs
Troubleshooting why pages don’t work or why certain things don’t line up
Testing forms
Cleaning up old files
Website security

The most essential service is to ensure that regular backups are done of the website, just like computer backups, to ensure that if the website is hacked beyond repair, it can be easily replaced. Monthly charges can range from $100 to $300 depending on what type and size of website you have.

For good advice and great website design and development, give us a call at Westward Marketing on 1300 1300 574 044.